Our Story

Hi beautiful people! Welcome to /blis/ 23 Candle Co. We’re so excited you’ve made your way here and promise it’ll be worth your while (so i’ve heard). Here’s a few things to know:

These candles are handcrafted in Pittsburgh, PA.

100% Soy Wax, yes we like to keep it clean.

This business is ran by a woman, honey + black-owned⠀


This company came from a need to find a way to create my own /blis/, (and because I know I’m not the only crazy candle lady out here!). My 23rd year was the year I dedicated to growth and defining my own happiness. From those moments of self discovery, /blis/ 23 Candle Co. was created. 

It all started as just a thought, and I then decided that it was time. Time for me to take a risk, to get serious about my own happiness, and to focus on doing more of the things that I love. I continue this company with the hope that a love for candles and a dedication to creating our own realities, will bring us all together one candle at a time.

I hope that you love each candle as much as I do and as I continue to perfect every batch for you all — please follow us on instagram @blis23candleco and subscribe to our newsletter so you can know exactly when candles will be available.


- Jasmine